Friday, September 12, 2008


Most everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing on 9-11-01. I certainly do, but far from what I was doing my focus over the last few days are the images that filled my head and the stories of the survivors and victims.

I have had a difficult time dealing with the terror of that day even though I didn't know any of the victims personally. I find my self shuttering from the images and even the mention of the events of that day. I have not even watched the films World Trade Center or Flight 93. I know the story, I watched it live on television and lived in the aftermath as a helpless distant bystander.

Although my attempted seclusion from the day does not preclude the fact that another generation must be exposed to the events of that day; not the conspiracies or dramatic recreations but the actual footage and stories from the people there. The Pearl Harbor of my generation must be shared with future generations so that they may take away the lessons and the love for country, freedom, and God that has resulted from the tragic events. It is my duty as an American father who has living memory of 9/11 not let my daughter read about it in a school history book or watch a Hollywood version, but to share it with her when she is old enough. I must tell the impact it had on our country, lifestyle, and me personally. I hope all people will do the same.

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